
  • Storm Watch -- 3 Ways To Prepare Your Yard For Hurricane Season

    If you live in an area that suffers from hurricanes and tropical storms, you know that a little effort to prepare yourself and your property can mean a world of difference later on. So, how can you help ensure that your yard can weather a severe event? Here are 3 ways to protect any yard. Assess the Trees. Some of the most hazardous features in any yard are the trees that surround the house.
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  • Unsure Whether Drought Conditions In Your Area Will Ever End? Is A Sprinkler System Worth It?

    If you live in one of the many parts of the U.S. currently experiencing droughts or unusually dry conditions, you may long for summers past, when maintaining a lush green lawn was as easy as mowing every week or two and watering between rain showers. If you find yourself struggling to maintain a balance between keeping your lawn attractive and abiding by local or state watering restrictions, you may assume you've missed the boat when it comes to installing a sprinkler system.
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  • Choosing The Right Fence For Your Backyard Garden: Ideas For You

    If you have a large backyard, you may find yourself wanting to plant a garden in a portion of your backyard space. However, to divide your garden area from the rest of your backyard and to create a garden area that is aesthetically appealing, you will likely need to install a fence around your garden. Fencing off your garden has many benefits, both aesthetically and practically for your landscaping design. The only issue may be deciding which fencing material is right for you.
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  • Thinking Of Buying A Large Commercial Property? Why An ALTA Survey May Be In Order

    If you recently decided that it is time to purchase yourself a large commercial property, either to expand your business or start a new one, there are many different factors that you will need to consider in the process. However, one of the factors that will be important when you are seeking out financing for the property as well as insurance, future building permits, and the like, is to get the land surveyed.
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  • Reasons To Pick A Residential Mowing Service Over Having Your Kids Do The Job

    Many parents of adolescents look forward to their kids being old enough to help with chores around the house and yard, and mowing the lawn is often a task that fits into this category. If you're fed up with mowing the lawn yourself and your children are finally of age to do the work, you might be eager to teach them the ropes and have them get busy. However, it's also worthwhile to consider the alternative of hiring a residential mowing service for this job.
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  • Landscaping Tips For Underneath Trees

    A pretty tree or two in the landscape can add visual interest as well as shade to an otherwise plain yard. Yet, there are some concerns even with smaller ornamental trees. The roots and shade provided often conspire to create an area of knobby visible roots and thin grass. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to overcome these relatively minor issues. Ring in your tree The greatest concentration of roots will be in the radius directly surrounding the trunk.
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  • Developing Your Landscape? Look For These Features When Choosing A Nursery To Work With

    Landscaping your property can increase the value of your property by thousands of dollars and at the same time improve your home's overall curb appeal, which can both come in handy if you decide to sell or refinance your home in the future. A well-landscaped property makes spending time in the yard more enjoyable for everyone living there, which means you'll get a lot more use out of your investment as time goes on.
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  • 2 Lawn Maintenancetips To Help You Keep A Healthy Lawn

    To grow the thick, green, and lush lawn you want in your yard, there are certain rules you need to follow when taking care of your lawn. Here are two important lawn maintenance tips to remember to help you achieve and keep a healthy lawn. Balance Your Lawn's Watering Schedule With not enough water, your lawn will become dry and dead, but too much water can also cause problems. Over-watering, leading to a too-moist environment in your lawn, can allow fungus and disease to thrive in your lawn, ultimately destroying your entire lawn.
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  • Make Your Small Front Yard Fabulous With These 3 Landscaping Tips

    If you've always dreamed of having a large, beautifully landscaped front yard to show off, winding up in a house with a small yard can be a bit of a disappointment. You could put off your landscaping dreams until you get around to buying a larger property, but there's no reason why you have to wait. Even a tiny front yard can be the site of creative and beautiful landscape design.
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  • Tips To Use Weed Barriers For A Weed-Free Garden And Gravel Walkway

    When you are working on your yard's landscaping, there can be nothing more frustrating than battling weed growth. To help you with your landscaping war on weeds, here are some tips for using weed barriers in your garden and during installation of a new gravel walkway. Help Prevent Garden Weeds Because it can be difficult to spray for weeds in your garden without harming your garden plants, it is useful to install landscape fabric as a weed barrier.
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