
  • Rock Salt: Preventative Measure or After the Fact?

    Winter is coming, and that can only mean one thing for those who live in areas with extreme winters β€” ice and snow on the ground. Slippery roads and walkways can be incredibly dangerous, causing accidents and injuries. To combat these hazards, many people turn to rock salt. But is rock salt more effective as a preventative measure or after the fact? Here are some of the pros and cons of using rock salt in each scenario.
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  • How to Design Your Landscape in a Rainy Area

    Living in a rainy area can be both challenging and beautiful. While the rains bring about a refreshing and lush green environment, it can also create havoc on your landscape if it’s not designed appropriately. Knowing how to design your landscape to cope with the rain will help you maintain it effortlessly. This blog will take you through some tips on how to design your landscape in a rainy area.
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  • Keeping Your Property Safe: The Importance of Hazardous Tree Removal

    Trees add a lot of value to your property. They offer shade and fresh air and can be a great source of relaxation. However, trees can also be a hazard if they become diseased, too old, or damaged. These trees pose a threat to life and property, making it essential to call experts to handle hazardous tree removal. Explore the importance of hazardous tree removal, what it entails, and why you should trust professionals to handle the job.
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  • Landscape Design: 4 Drainage Solutions A Landscaper Can Offer For Your Backyard

    When designing your landscape, it's critical to factor in drainage. It can be challenging to design a suitable drainage solution for your backyard. However, a professional landscaper can help. The professional will assess your yard's unique characteristics and advise you on what type of drainage solution will most effectively solve your water issues. For instance, a landscaper can recommend installing drainage pipes, grading the soil properly, or adding berms around your yard.
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  • Utilize The Power Of Precision: Why Professional Sprinkler Install Is Worth The Investment

    Keeping a lush and vibrant lawn is challenging no matter where you are, which is why proper irrigation is crucial. A well-designed and professionally installed sprinkler system will no doubt make a huge difference in achieving a healthy and thriving landscape. While DIY sprinkler installation may seem tempting, investing in professional services offers numerous advantages that go beyond mere convenience. The power of precision that comes with a professional sprinkler install should not be underestimated, which is why you should read on to find out why it is a worthy investment for homeowners in any state or county.
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  • Common Mosquito Control Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

    Mosquitoes can be annoying and potentially hazardous in your living spaces because they cause itchy bites and spread diseases. Keeping these pesky insects at bay requires a multi-pronged approach to mosquito control. Unfortunately, many people unknowingly make mistakes that render their efforts inefficient β€” including the following. Mistake: Ignoring Standing Water The first step in successful mosquito control is identifying potential breeding sites around your property. Mosquitoes lay eggs in water, so eliminating such sources will significantly reduce the number of these pests.
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  • Making A Statement: How Commercial Landscape Maintenance Reflects On Your Brand

    If you're like most business owners, you already know that first impressions play a significant role in the success of your brand β€” and for that reason, you strive to cultivate an entry and reception area that's as stylish as it is functional. However, first impressions start before potential customers even walk through your front door. A well-maintained landscape can effectively communicate your business's attention to detail, commitment to quality, and respect for the environment.
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  • 4 Reasons To Switch To An Artificial Turf Lawn

    Modern synthetic turf has come a long way, and most types are nearly impossible to tell apart from natural grass. There are a few reasons why an artificial turf lawn may be the right choice for your home's yard. 1. Drought Concerns Living in an area where drought and water restrictions are common may be one of the best reasons to consider artificial lawn turf. A natural lawn requires a lot of water to remain green and lush, which isn't the wisest course of action in a dry climate.
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  • Lawn Care Tips To Keep Your Yard Looking Its Best

    A beautiful and well-maintained lawn can enhance your home's curb appeal and create a welcoming outdoor space for you and your family. However, maintaining a healthy lawn requires dedication. Tip: Utilize Aeration To Improve Root Health Aeration creates small holes in the surface of the lawn to allow air and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots more effectively. This process helps alleviate soil compaction issues that can hinder root development in your grass.
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  • Water-Efficient Landscaping: Xeriscaping And Drought-Tolerant Plant Selections

    If you're like most responsible homeowners, you understand the importance of conserving water in your lawn and garden space. Adopting water-efficient landscaping practices not only helps preserve this valuable resource but also reduces maintenance costs and creates a more resilient outdoor space. As an added bonus, you'll save money on utility bills. However, you may be unfamiliar with the practice of xeriscaping and how you can apply its principles to your residential landscape.
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