
  • A Few Tips For Managing Snow And Ice On Your Property

    Snow may be beautiful to look at, but it is a pain to deal with when it accumulates on your property. Shoveling snow can be dangerous if you're not in good physical shape. If you don't have a plow for your mower or a blower, then you could easily get snowed in. The solution is to hire a snow removal service. You can have the work done once after an unusually large snow or you can sign up for regular service that keeps your driveway and walkways clear all winter long.
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  • Rock Garden Ideas To Incorporate In Your Yard

    Landscape rock can add beauty and texture to your yard. There are a number of different types of landscape rock to choose from, which means you can do a number of different things with it to make your yard stand out from the rest. See below for rock garden ideas you can incorporate into your yard. Rock Border Use larger boulders to create a border around your garden, rather than using concrete blocks, timber or plastic borders.
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  • Rainbow Gardening: How To Do It Right

    Whether you are a proponent of Christian rainbows or you use the rainbow to symbolize your alignment with the LGBTQ+ community, you can create a rainbow garden that is both symbolic and beautiful. Landscape design takes flowers of all heights and colors to create this popular look. To do it right, you will need to section off the perimeter of your yard in seven equal sections. Then do the following to get the perfect rainbow garden look.
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  • Need A New Tree? The Grown Canopy Could Be A Make-Or-Break Factor

    If you've just had to remove a tree from your yard and are planting a new one to take its place, you already know that root size and spread (and speed of growth) are crucial if the tree will be near the house or near utility lines. Disease resistance is also important. But the canopy, too, is something you need to look at. Not only would a wide canopy provide shade, but it could also adversely affect crucial aspects of your property and the surrounding space.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Think About Before Putting In Your Own Yard

    Putting in your yard can be very doable and very affordable if you know what you are doing. There are so many people who decide that they want to put in their own sprinklers and sod only to end up regretting it later because they didn't understand well enough how to do it. Here are some things that you should know about putting in your own yard. 1. Don't Place The Grass Right Up Against The House
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  • How To Cut Down And Remove A Tree In Your Residential Yard

    When a tree in your residential yard has died of old age or disease, it is best to remove it and plant another tree in its place. To remove a tree, use a chainsaw to cut sections of the tree from the top down to the soil where it grows. Chop the cut tree trunk, tree limbs, and tree branches into manageable sizes to use in a fireplace or wood stove.
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  • Spring Has Sprung -- 4 Quick Ways To Make Your Yard Come To Life

    Do you feel like you have a dull, lifeless yard? Even as you work to keep it looking nice, the yard can sometimes become boring and stale. And with spring in full bloom, you want a yard that makes you feel alive.  Fortunately, there are some quick ways to remedy the situation. Here are 4 easy options. Add Container Color. Pick out a brightly-colored container and fill it with colorful flowers.
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  • Don't Make These Lawn Care Mistakes

    There are many different aspects that are going to help you maintain a great lawn. However, there are a few mistakes that people make on a regular basis that can be deadly to a lawn. The problem is that many people do not know that they are making some of these mistakes. In order to help you maintain a healthy lawn, this article is going to outline just a few of the common mistakes that people make with their lawn care.
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  • A Landscaper Can Help You With Creating Your Yard

    If you are worried about what your yard looks like, you have options. One is that you can try to figure out what is going on and fix it yourself. Another is that you can hire a professional to come in and look at your yard so they can fix it for you. There are a lot of things that a landscaper can do for you.  Landscaper A landscaper or landscaping company is one that specializes in working with lawns, gardens, and suchlike.
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  • 3 Tips For Helping Your Front Yard Look Better

    The key to having a home that looks its best and has the highest value will often start in the front yard. You will want the exterior of your property to be attractive for you and others that may see it. This isn't that difficult to do when you simply take the proper steps to make it happen. Knowing some of the basic tips that you can put to use today to improve the look of your lawn are sure to be helpful.
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