How To Add Creativity To A Landscape Design

Posted on: 6 June 2022


When you plan landscape design work, you likely also want an element of creativity in the results. Fortunately, there are many ways to quickly infuse a landscape with creativity so let's look at three of the quicker ones to try.


If someone looks at a symmetrical landscape, they've saved half the time they needed to enjoy it. After all, whatever they saw on the left is what they can expect on the right, and that's usually easy to quickly infer at a glance.

Creating a slightly winding path for the viewer's eye, however, can break up the symmetry. Also, don't be afraid to use different plants on different sides of the landscape. You might have short bushes on one side and medium-sized trees on the other, too. Break up the visual balance of the landscape so you can conjure greater aesthetic interest.


It is easy to get caught up in thinking two-dimensionally about landscape design. This happens when you draw everything on paper from an aerial view. It also happens when you look at the landscape like a painting while you stand and look at it in person.

Depth can make any landscape more interesting. For example, you might ask a landscaping services company to develop a shallow and deep field of view. In the shallow field, you could station flowers, potted plants, hardscaping features, and raised garden beds. Then you could put bushes and trees in the deep field to serve as a background and reward viewers who looked further.

You should also think about depth in terms of verticality. Suppose you have huge, old trees that provide tons of shade. That is great for staying cool in the summer, but you may get a barren patch where only grass wants to grow. However, you can grab shade-loving plants like hostas to add interest. There are plain and striped varieties so mix it up to make what would be a boring shade area into something more exciting.

Seasonal Transitions

One of the hardest challenges in landscape design is keeping things interesting as seasons change. People often use lots of spring flowers to produce a bonanza in May and June, for example. However, this can leave the space looking drab when all the flowers complete their cycles.

A good solution is to mix in species that thrive at different times. Spring tulips can give way to summer sunflowers. When fall comes, an Amur maple can blast the landscape with red and then welcome winter with interesting branch shapes. 

For more information, contact a local company that offers landscaping services.